Innovation Lab
The Innovation Lab at Children’s Health Fund addresses fundamental inequities in healthcare technology by developing cutting-edge tools and software for historically under-resourced communities and the providers who care for them.
Children’s Health Fund has a history of building innovative technology solutions to address public health challenges. From our early years as a pioneer in electronic health records to the design of specialized clinical information systems and interactive tools, we have led the way by creating the tools providers for the medically underserved need.
Our goal in creating the Innovation Lab is to further apply technological expertise and innovative thinking to leverage the knowledge and experience of national network providers into software and tools which address gaps in health technology.

CHF has a history of creating state-of-the-art health technology tools to meet the unique needs of clinicians caring for under-resourced communities.
CHF’s work is informed by clinical, public health, and subject matter experts.
CHF’s 25 national network partners provide a unique perspective:
• Geographically dispersed across the US in both urban and rural areas
• Serving medically under-resourced communities with varied cultural backgrounds
Current Projects
HRL Resource & Training Center (RTC)
Healthy and Ready to Learn online Resource and Training Center was created in 2017 to disseminate quality materials to educators, health staff, and school health advocates, and to support their work in ensuring students are healthy and ready to learn.
The system includes customized access pathways via audience or topic, interactive tools, and personalized toolkits and sharing. CHF is currently adding audiences, topics, and tools, to increase resource center usefulness and reach.

Data Warehouse for CHF’s Research Accelerator Cohort
The Research Accelerator Cohort is a project which allows Children’s Health Fund to leverage its network of providers to produce nationally applicable research in areas which affect medically underserved populations.
To perform this research, it is necessary to extract and house data from multiple sources. CHF is building a customized data warehouse and reporting tools to assist in data collection and analysis.