National Network

DALLAS Children's Health Project

The Dallas Children’s Health Project (DCHP) provides comprehensive medical care to children and adolescents through school-based health services.

It also serves those who are unstably housed through the use of a mobile medical clinic. Children and families in Dallas face numerous challenges to accessing healthcare. These include poverty, lack of insurance, inadequate transportation, and a language barrier.

Among the issues DCHP addresses in the children and adolescents it serves include significant levels of developmental delay or school failure; poor reading levels; family dysfunction, for example domestic violence; child abuse or neglect; mental illness; nutritional problems; and minor acute illnesses. Along with pediatric primary care services, DCHP provides dental and mental health care services.

Services Provided

• Comprehensive physical examinations and immunizations
• Management of acute and chronic illnesses
• Screenings for lead, hemoglobin and vision and hearing testing
• Substance abuse assessment and referrals
• Social services and case management
• Community and specialty health provider referrals



Partner Institution:
Parkland Health and Hospital System

Partners Since:

Total Visits in 2022:

Patients in 2022:

Focus Areas:
Adolescents, Children in foster care, Justice-involved Youth, Unhoused/Displaced/Unstably housed

Demographic Snapshot:
73% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
14% as Black
10% are children 5 years or younger
61% are adolescents
50% are Female

Service Delivery:
Community Health Center, Mobile Medical, Mobile Dental, Telehealth, School-based Health

Ages Served:

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